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Case Studies

Case Study: Ashley and Martin Address Two Hair Loss Conditions with One Treatment

February 21st, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Young with a naturally pleasant disposition, 28 year old Sam* had several large stressors in his life. The strain his work and personal life was putting on him, together with his genetic predisposition to hair loss had all led him to needing to find a hair loss specialist on the internet. It only took a couple of seconds to fill in the online contact form on the Ashley and Martin website and with that done, he did not need to wait long for a call from his local clinic.

The consultant he met with spoke with him and explained how the stress in his life had induced a higher than natural rate of shedding and how the genetics passed on to him from his mother’s side of the family were causing his hair follicles to miniaturise. The hair loss his consultant was looking at during Sam’s scalp examination had been three years in the making. He felt confident a RealGROWTH® medications program would be the best hair loss treatment to address the Norwood level III loss he was seeing.

After listening to what would be involved in treatment and having the opportunity to ask the consultant any questions had had about the program, Sam signed up for treatment. He had been thinking about treating his hair loss for a year; it would only get worse if he waited longer.

Sam attended the clinic on a regular basis to undergo laser therapy treatments and, with regular adherence to his treatment program, his hair began to grow back. Before he had come to Ashley and Martin, Sam had been concerned about his appearance, but seeing the improvement in his first Ashley and Martin Review he was happy he had come on board.

Sam’s hair had been thin all over with a particular emphasis on the scalp when he had first walked through the doors of his consultant’s office, but now, only four and a half months later, he had regained so much of his lost hair that his original hair loss was barely noticeable. It was exactly what Sam had been hoping for when he first contacted Ashley and Martin.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Aggressive Loss of Hair Density Treated By Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH

January 12th, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Jeffrey* had started treatment for his male pattern hair loss four months earlier. He was now sitting in his consultant’s office participating in his first scheduled Ashley and Martin Review. When he had initially spoken to his wife about contacting Ashley and Martin she had told him that she would support his decision but she loved him regardless. His hair loss did not matter to her. A short four months after this conversation Jeffrey could not believe how much of a change he had experienced since that day.

When he had first walked in to his consultant’s office his hair had been sparse, his crown showing through and his frontal hair line extremely diminished. This aggressive decrease in hair density had been distressing to experience as he had gone from having a full head of hair to the advanced stages of hair loss in less than three years. For six months he had thought about calling a hair loss specialist before committing to the idea. And now, seeing the astonishing results of his treatment he was overjoyed that he had signed up for treatment straight away.

At first the Norwood level II loss that Jeffrey had inherited from his father had slowed to a normal rate of shedding. And looking at his progress photos with his consultant he could see his hair loss had been dramatically reversed. His crown, while still a little thin, was covered in hair, he had a substantial amount of hair in the frontal area, his hair was thicker all over and the itchy, flaky scalp he suffered from had cleared up. Jeffery’s RealGROWTH® hair loss products had been easy to use and the monthly laser therapy treatments had not felt like an inconvenience as he had been able to meet with his consultant at the same time to monitor his progress.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Ashley and Martin’s Money Back Guarantee Makes Sceptical Client Feel Comfortable

December 29th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Ahn* had been disappointed with the lack hair regrowth achieved with a remedy he had bought at the chemist. He had followed all the directions but the packet had promised something it was definitely unable to deliver. Ahn had noticed the first signs of hair loss three years previously and over the past twelve months had begun to give serious consideration to treating his condition.

Thirty-eight year old Ahn had told his wife about how his thinning hair was making him feel and she had encouraged him to seek professional advice for his concerns. Ahn no longer truly believed that anyone truly knew how to regrow hair once it had been lost, but at his wife’s behest he submitted an online enquiry on the Ashley and Martin website.

The diagnosis of Male Pattern Baldness given to him by his consultant at his free consultation was supported by the absence of medical conditions impacting his hair grown cycle and his family history of hair loss. Ahn’s grandfather had also lost his hair in a similar pattern. The consultant knew the best hair loss treatment for Ahn’s Norwood III vertex loss would be a full RealGROWTH® medications program. As well as medications to supress the formation of DHT and promote hair growth, other hair loss products to support his hair’s nutritional needs and protect the new follicles from harsh chemicals would be used. Although sceptical from the outset, the money back guarantee offered on the program made Ahn feel more comfortable in signing up for treatment immediately.

Ahn attended monthly low level laser therapy appointments and took his medication as directed. He was concerned that it may all be for nought, but his first Ashley and Martin Review showed him that there really was a hair loss specialist who knew how to regrow hair. In just five months his hair density had doubled and he was thrilled that he had finally been sold a hair loss treatment that had been able to deliver on its promises.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Client Sees Changes Taking Place From Month to Month at His Ashley and Martin Reviews

December 15th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Matt* had close genetic ties to hair loss; he was losing his hair just like his father before him. It had been almost four years since he had seen the first signs of this genetic condition in the mirror. Over the span of eighteen months, Matt had often considered undergoing treatment to regrow his hair. His partner had said his hair loss did not matter to her, but encouraged him to seek professional advice if that was what he wanted to do.

At their first meeting, Matt told the consultant what he was hoping to achieve by treating his hair. And based on the scalp examination his consultant conducted, it appeared that Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH® program would be able to help him achieve his goals. As is often found co-existing with hair loss, the consultant noted 33 year old Matt was suffering from an itchy scalp and dandruff also.

It was clear that Matt had taken the time to educate himself in relation to hair loss and the efficacy of the treatments available. He was knowledgeable about many aspects of hair loss treatment and the biological reasons hair loss was happening to him. The consultant explained how Ashley and Martin treated hair loss differently to other people in order to achieve a 98.2% success rate. Feeling good about what they had discussed but wanting to make this decision together with his wife, Matt went home to tell her what he had found out.

Four months after he had initially spoken to his consultant, Matt was ready to begin treatment for his Norwood Scale level II loss. After receiving a check-up from the clinic GP, Matt commenced his RealGROWTH® program, complimenting his medication with monthly laser therapy treatments. Each month, while in the clinic for laser therapy, Matt received an Ashley and Martin Review of his progress. New photos were taken at each of these appointments in order monitor Matt’s progress on the program. Although it took time to stabilise the loss, it was encouraging for Matt to see the changes taking place from month to month. After four months Matt had lost the comb-over, gained a great deal of hair and was a very happy client.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Sixteen Weeks on Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH Undoes Hair Loss in Twenty Seven Year Old Woman

November 30th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Prisha* was not happy with the condition of her hair. She had been gradually losing density for some time and looking in the mirror, it was concerning to see so much scalp showing through. Not wanting to waste time or money trying to treat her condition herself, she decided to find a hair loss specialist. Prisha found our website whilst searching for someone who could help regrow hair; she quickly used the online enquiry form on the Ashley and Martin website to book a free consultation.

Her consultant, upon examination and discussion of her family and medical history, told her she was suffering from Female Pattern Hair Loss. Twenty-seven year old Prisha was unaware of any other women in her family who had lost their hair, however she knew it may have been possible in relatives she had not met. She could also be the first in her line to have developed this genetic condition.

As is protocol with all women considering treatment with Ashley and Martin, Prisha was given a pathology request form and sent for blood tests. The clinic hair loss doctor received a copy of the results and, after reviewing them, informed Prisha there was no underlying medical condition causing her hair to fall out. Knowing genetics was the only cause of her thinning hair was a great relief. Prisha decided to treat her progressive hair loss condition with the course of action her consultant had recommended.

He had said the best hair loss treatment for Female Pattern Hair Loss was to approach it from several angles at once. Nutritional support to nourish the hair follicles, medical intervention to supress the production of androgens and promote a healthy hair growth cycle and laser therapy to stimulate the blood vessels under the scalp. The newly growing hair would also be protected by the use of specialised shampoo and conditioner.

After consistent use of her hair growth products for sixteen weeks Prisha attended her first Ashley and Martin Review. Looking at her original photos in comparison to the ones just taken Prisha realised how much of her gradual, but significant hair regrowth she had not noticed from week to week. Seeing these photos her confidence in herself and the RealGROWTH® program soared.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Ashley and Martin Review of Progress Bolsters Client’s Confidence

November 16th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Sixty-two year old Harriet* was concerned about how sparse her hair had become over the years. Her partner could see how this was affecting her and encouraged Harriet to seek help for her own peace of mind. Harriet had known of Ashley and Martin for years as she had seen our advertising on television; we were the logical first port of call when she decided to heed her partner’s advice.

Harriet’s partner did more than just encourage her to contact Ashley and Martin, he was so supportive of her need for treatment that he accompanied Harriet to her free consultation. After discussing what Harriet was hoping to gain from treatment, her consultant conducted a scalp examination. He noted that Harriet’s loss was characterised by a loss in density and diagnosed her with Androgenic Alopecia. This diagnosis was supported by Harriet’s family history of Female Pattern Hair Loss.

As is standard protocol for all female patients, Harriet was sent for blood tests to rule out any underlying medical issues that could be presenting by impacting her hair’s growth cycle. The clinic hair loss doctor reviewed the results of her blood tests and Harriet was relieved to find her hair loss was not medically induced. With a clear picture of what needed to be done to remedy her situation, Harriet started treating her hair with a Laser Cap, specialised hygiene products and nutritional supplements.

After performing the in-home treatments for four months, Harriet met with her consultant for the first of her Ashley and Martin reviews. At this meeting to review her progress on her program, her consultant took a second set of photos of her hair from the same angles as in her initial consultation. Viewing these pictures side by side bolstered Harriet’s confidence in the treatment program. She could see evident regrowth; this new growth had given her a thicker head of hair and gave her scalp much better coverage.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH Program Produces Healthy, Dense Hair Regrowth

November 2nd, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

It had been almost two years since Kevin* had started to lose his hair. He was only 22 years old and already his aggressive hair loss had taken a great deal of hair in his temples and thinned his hair all over. As with many people, Kevin’s first thought was to look online when he needed to find what he needed. He had seen Ashley and Martin’s advertising on television and felt he trusted the name enough to book an appointment with us.

He told his consultant that he had not been using anything to treat his hair loss even though he had been considering treatment for six months. He was concerned that his hair was falling out so rapidly and was not sure if there was anything that could be done for him as his the recession in his temples was so deep.

Kevin’s father was also suffering from hair loss so it had come as no surprise to Kevin that it was happening to him. He was just disappointed that it was happening so early. After conducting a scalp examination Kevin’s consultant informed him that his hair loss was indeed, genetic as they had both expected. And to Kevin’s relief his consultant went on to say that Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH® program would be able to help him regain his lost hair. He had already made the consultant aware of his other medical issue for which he was taking medication when asked; thankfully this would not be an issue with the treatment plan he was being offered.

Itching to start regrowing his hair, Kevin signed up for his RealGROWTH® program immediately. He was booked in to see the clinic GP to have his prescription medication issued and took home all the other components of his program straight away.

It was astounding how quickly Kevin’s hair began to return. After his hair had re-established a healthy growth cycle Kevin began to see his temporal region fill with new hair. He was over the moon with this outcome and could not believe how healthy, dense and full his hair was compared to only four months previously.




*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Impressive Increase In Density Achieved with Ashley and Martin’s Treatment Plan

October 19th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Thirty-three year old Colin* had heard about Ashley and Martin from a friend.  He had been losing his hair for almost four years, and for all that time he had wanted to stop his hair shedding.  He had been using a non-prescription solution from the chemist for three years without getting any of the results the bottle had promised before his friend had encouraged him to speak to Ashley and Martin.   After submitting an online enquiry, Colin attended a free consultation.

Colin had a strong genetic tie to hair loss; both his brother and father were in their own separate stages of hair loss.  The recession in Colin’s temples had become so deep that he had taken to shaving his hair short so as not to highlight how bad it had gotten.  It was immediately obvious to the consultant during a scalp examination that Colin was suffering from the same genetic condition as his father and brother.  His Male Pattern Hair Loss may have been accelerated by the high levels of stress Colin was under; however the good news was that it was treatable with the RealGROWTH® medications program.

The consultant recommended Colin treat his Norwood IIa level loss with a combination of oral and topical prescription medications, herbal supplements, specialised hygiene products and laser therapy.  Keen to get started now he had found a solution he had confidence in, Colin signed up for his RealGROWTH® program immediately.

Eight weeks after he had begun to use his RealGROWTH® solution Colin came back to see his consultant to have a check-up.  Progress photos taken in the consult showed early, yet encouraging, visible signs of new growth in his temples.  And his hair, still clipped short, was beginning to look less sparse.  A further eight weeks later Colin attended his four month Ashley and Martin Review.

Viewing this new set of progress photos, he was extremely pleased with the results he was seeing.  He had let his hair grow a little longer in this time yet the photos still reflected the impressive increase in density he had achieved to date as well as the increase in temporal hair growth.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Ashley and Martin Client Elated with Substantial Gain in Hair Density

September 6th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Growing up Travis* had good naturedly ribbed his father about his hair loss.  His father had often warned him it would happen to him one day, but Travis had not taken much notice at the time.  By the time Travis was in his mid-twenties, he had begun to shed hair at an unusually high rate than was natural.  Three years later his hair had reached a stage that was screaming for attention.  He either had to make his peace with going bald and shave it all off or find some help.  He had considered seeking treatment since the day he first noticed his hair line receding, so he began asking around for advice.  A friend of Travis’ recommended Ashley and Martin.  After learning more about our company online, Travis used the online booking system to make an appointment.

Feeling unattractive and quite concerned about how old his patchy hair was making him look, twenty-nine year old Travis asked his consultant if it was too late to regrow all his hair.  His consultant explained the growth cycle of hair, how the RealGROWTH® medication works and pointed out the areas of greatest concern to Travis.  Where the hair follicles had already died in his temporal region, they could not be regrown.  Only a transplant could fill in those areas, however Travis had a great deal of viable hair follicles which were either miniaturised or dormant that would be able to be rescued with treatment.

Travis signed up for medical treatment of his Male Pattern Hair Loss.  He felt reassured by the honesty his consultant had given him in regards to his expected outcomes.  His consultant also recommended making some changes in his diet in order to ensure his hair was receiving the correct nutrition it needed to grow healthily.

With regular laser therapy appointments, medication and nutritional support Travis’ hair began to regrow exactly as his consultant expected.  His Norwood IV hair loss stopped shedding rapidly and gained substantial density over the first sixteen weeks of his program.  Travis was elated with the difference a few months had made and was looking forward to the changes he would see in the near future.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Ashley and Martin Consultant Excited to Have Helped Client Regrow Hair For Wedding

August 25th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Twenty-nine year old Idina* was over the moon about her upcoming wedding.  The only thing she was not happy about was the state of her hair.  With two years until she would stand in front of all her family and friends to say “I do”, it was now time to find help for her hair.

Unsure where to start, Idina spoke to family about her problem.  A close relative whom she trusted suggested she look in to Ashley and Martin.  They had heard good things about us and thought we might be a good place to start.  Researching further information online, Idina requested a call back through our website.

Speaking to her consultant, Idina confided that it had been almost seven years since she had begun to lose her hair initially.  She had wanted to do something about it all that time, but until now she had not had the intrinsic motivation to look in to treatment.  Idina wanted to look her best for her wedding.  She knew her partner loved her no matter what, but she wanted to feel good about herself when she looked back on the photos in years to come.

Performing a scalp examination after asking Idina about her family and medical history, the consultant placed Idina at a level I on the Ludwig hair loss scale.  He suggested a treatment plan that combined low level laser therapy and medication.  Excited to think there was a way to recover her lost hair in time for the wedding, Idina bought a Laser Cap to treat her hair at home and signed up for a RealGROWTH® medications program.

Over time, Idina noticed her hair slowly getting thicker, especially through her formerly sparse part line.  She forged ahead, taking her medications daily and using her laser cap every second day.  Six months after she had begun to treat her hair she returned to her consultant to have her first Ashley and Martin Review. This was an opportunity to assess her progress and talk about how the program was going for her.  Her consultant was thrilled to be able to show her the difference six months of medication and laser therapy had made to her hair.

And Idina was even more excited to see it.






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