Twenty-two year old tradesman, Steve*, contacted Ashley and Martin after he began experiencing the same genetic hair loss as his uncles and cousins; it had taken Steve six months of consideration before sending in his online enquiry. Fit, healthy and image conscious, Steve worked hard bodybuilding at the gym. He knew his spouse had said that his hair loss did not matter to her, but he still felt that he wanted to do something about it. Understanding the need to feel good about the way he looked, his partner supported his decision to seek professional advice for his accelerated Male Pattern Baldness.
At his initial appointment, Steve told his consultant that he had been losing his hair for the past twelve months and in that time he had tried using over the counter products from the chemist. This, however, had not proved effective in treating the loss and he was now looking to see what other options were available to him. He had thoroughly researched hair loss treatments online and confidently discussed the causes and recommended course of action with the consultant. The recommended treatment for Steve’s Norwood type III vertex hair loss was a RealGROWTH® medications program and laser therapy; happy with this. Happy with this, Steve signed up for a RealGROWTH® program.
Attending his laser therapy sessions regularly and taking his medication as directed, Steve began to see a gradual improvements in his hair. By the time his Ashley and Martin Review was due four months after commencing his program, Steve was extremely pleased with the results. He was so happy with the program that he has since recommended Ashley and Martin to others suffering hair loss. One of which had signed up on his own program and is experiencing results of his own.
*name changed to protect privacy