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Case Study: Hair Grows Back Darker and Healthier

September 5th, 2018 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Thirty-three years old and six months into his battle with hair loss, Adam was determined to act on it straight away. He had watched his father lose his hair and had made the decision that he was not prepared to go down the same path. The effect the loss was having, and would continue to have, on his appearance was concerning Adam greatly and he wanted to keep his hair as long as possible. He immediately called Ashley and Martin, not wanting to waste a single moment before getting treatment. Adam knew that the earlier he began treatment, the better his results would be.

At his first appointment, Adam’s consultant took photos of his hair from several angles in order to track the success of his treatment program. Adam’s Norwood III loss would best be treated with a RealGROWTH® medical program and he was booked in to see the clinic doctor to have a check-up and his medication prescribed. Before he left the clinic he was provided with all the non-prescription items of his program and booked in for the first of his monthly laser therapy treatments.

After four months of using his RealGROWTH® program, Adam was due for his progress review. Together, Adam and his consultant compared the photos that had been taken at his first appointment with ones that had been taken moments before. And at this early stage, Adam was extremely happy with what he was seeing. Adam’s wavy, sundrenched hair had not only increased in density, but was growing back darker and healthier. The small, white flakes that were a result of his psoriasis were now nowhere to be seen. Since starting on his medical hair regrowth program, Adam had not missed a single day of treatment and the results clearly showed his commitment. He was not only happy with his results, but with Ashley and Martin and the treatment program he had undergone.