Extensive Hair Loss Reversed with Ashley and Martin RealGROWTH Treatment
Neel* was shocked at how aggressive his hair loss had been for the past three years. He was only 20 when the loss first started but now his temple recession was so severe he was looking three to four times his actual age. Neel had seen the Ashley and Martin adverts on the TV; and he completed the online consultation request form.
At his initial consultation Neel’s consultant asked him questions about his health, lifestyle and family history to determine the cause of his hair loss. Neel had a suspicion he had inherited the loss from his father and grandfather as they had both suffered from baldness. As he was in good health with very low levels of stress, Neel’s consultant was inclined to agree. An examination of the scalp confirmed Neel was experiencing male pattern baldness placed at level Va on the Norwood Hair Loss Scale.
The RealGROWTH® treatment plan was Neel’s only option in stopping the high rate of shedding and re-establishing a healthy growth cycle. Due to the amount of hair Neel had lost at the temples his consultant set realistic expectations of what he would achieve in terms of hair growth in these areas. Furthermore Neel’s consultant set a realistic time frame in which the hair would regrow in the area from the front hairline through to the crown. Thankful for the honesty and comprehensive information he had been given Neel was happy to sign up for the treatment program.
To ensure optimum growth Neel attended his clinic for regular laser therapy sessions and ensured he took his medication diligently. Twelve months later he attended his final review with his consultant. Neel was amazed he couldn’t believe the extensive inherited gene damage to his hair had been reversed before his eyes. Not only had his hair become thicker on his scalp but the temporal regions also had new growth.
*name changed to protect privacy