Case Study: Temporal Recession Dramatically Reduced by Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH Treatment
George* started losing his hair not long after his 21st birthday. In a dramatically short period of time he developed a deep recession in his temples and his crown had started to develop a balding patch. A friend of George’s offered support and suggested he call Ashley and Martin for help. With so much damage having been done in just twelve short months, George picked up the phone to book his free consultation.
George told his consultant about the men on his mother’s side of the family having lost their hair and the stress he was under at university. It was clear to his consultant that the male pattern hair loss George had inherited was being exacerbated by the stressful lifestyle George was leading.
To make sure the treatment he had in mind would achieve the outcomes George was looking for, the two men had a conversation about what George would like to see happen with treatment. Ideally, George wanted to stop his hair falling out and get back the hair he had lost. While healthy hair would inevitably shed as part of the natural growth cycle, the RealGROWTH® program the consultant recommended would aim to re-establish a healthy hair cycle, stemming the excess shedding of hair and move the hair follicles in an extended resting phase back into their growth phase to thicken and regrow George’s hair. Eager to get started, George enrolled on a RealGROWTH® program straight away.
Over the course of the next four months, George visited the clinic often for laser therapy. And by the time his first Ashley and Martin Review was due, it was obvious his treatment was working. The thinning patch on his crown had disappeared and he was sure there was more hair in his temporal region than there had been. Progress photos taken by his consultant confirmed that not only was the recession in his temples dramatically reduced, but there was much less space between individual follicles. This increase in density gave the appearance of a much thicker and fuller head of hair. George’s RealGROWTH® program had given him exactly what he had been hoping for.
*name changed to protect privacy