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Case Study: Mother and Son Both Find Success and Confidence with Ashley and Martin

April 3rd, 2019 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Ben* was becoming increasingly concerned about his appearance. For the past year, the 24-year-old student had seen his hair rapidly disappear. Six months into this aggressive phase of shedding, Ben knew he had to do something. He tried using a topical solution he found at the chemist, but soon realised it was not delivering the results it promised.

Knowing Ashley and Martin was a trusted name in the hair loss industry, Ben contacted his local clinic online. The clinic hours accommodated his busy life well and he booked a free consultation at a time that fit with his study schedule.

Based on the pattern and degree of loss the consultant saw upon examination of Ben’s scalp, together with his family history of hair loss, Ben was diagnosed with Male Pattern Hair Loss, Norwood III Vertex. Young and healthy, Ben was an excellent candidate for the RealGROWTH® medical hair regrowth program. A simple, multi-faceted home treatment routine together with regular laser therapy in the clinic would intervene in the biological process leading to his increased shedding and dormant hair follicles and promoted new, healthy growth. Excited to have found a hair loss treatment that worked, Ben signed straight up.

In just a few short weeks, the excess shedding slowed and gradually came to a halt. Not long after, Ben began to see fine, new hair starting to grow in areas that had once been bereft of covering.

Over time, Ben started styling and dying his hair instead of being self-conscious and trying to avoid drawing attention to it. It felt great to have the option to make these decisions rather than having them taken away from him.

Overjoyed with the overwhelming regrowth that happened in the first six months of his program, Ben suggested his mother attend a free consultation of her own. Now mother and son are both have their own success stories and face the world with their heads held high.





*name changed to protect privacy