Case Study: Ashley and Martin Patient Achieves Successful Hair Regrowth with Laser Therapy Treatment
Saddled with a family history of hair loss, Janet had tried using shampoos, conditioners and vitamins that all promised to regrow her worryingly thin hair. Over the past six years, Janet had watched her hair go from healthy to heart-breaking. Knowing how her thin, lifeless hair was making her feel, a family member suggested she look to Ashley and Martin for help. By this time Janet had been thinking about treatment for twelve months; she was ready to try something that might bring her the results the remedies she had already tried promised, but failed to deliver.
After contacting Ashley and Martin online, 53-year-old Janet met with a Hair Loss Consultant. She spoke with him about her family history of hair loss and disclosed the excessive stress that came with being a mother recently. Her consultant discussed with her how stress, as well as genetics, could impact the natural growth cycle of the hair forcing it into a dormant phase. A scalp examination revealed that amongst her diffuse hair, she still had follicles with the capacity to re-enter the growth phase again.
The consultant recommended Janet use a intervention of Low Level Laser Therapy that had been proven to be effective in cases such as her own. It was a simple treatment that could be done at home without changing her daily routine.
When it came time for Janet and her consultant to take progress photos and assess the efficacy of her program to date, Janet was overwhelmed with what she saw in front of her. Far from the unhealthy strands that lay lifeless against her scalp just four months previously, Janet was almost in tears looking at the fuller, healthier hair she had regrown in just sixteen weeks. Excited to go and share her wonderful news, Janet rushed out of the office with a beaming smile across her face.
*name changed to protect privacy