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Case Study: After Sixteen Weeks of Treatment Client No Longer Has Beginnings of a Bald Patch

March 28th, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Brenton* had not long entered his twenties when his hair began to fall out unnaturally fast. Within two years his hair was so thin he needed to do something about it or face the fact he would be bald before he turned 30. The twenty-four year old footy fanatic found Ashley and Martin online and, having submitted an online enquiry, attended a free consultation.

The consultant asked Brenton a range of questions designed to find the root cause of his hair loss. Suffering from depression and having the dominant hair loss gene passed down to him on his mother’s side, the consultant diagnosed Brenton with male pattern hair loss, Norwood III vertex. Characterised by thinning from the frontal hair line to the crown, Brenton’s genetic hair loss would be best treated with a combination of anti-androgens, topical solution and laser therapy. The distress Brenton was feeling regarding his hair loss was not helping his low mood. He signed up for treatment before he left his consultant’s office.

Determined to get the best results possible from his treatment plan, Brenton faithfully took his medication and applied his solution each day. To boost the results he would gain from this treatment, Brenton attended regular laser therapy treatments at the clinic also.

Before long it was time for Brenton to have his first scheduled Ashley and Martin Review. During this meeting with his consultant, photos were taken of Brenton’s hair to compare to ones taken in his free consultation. It was obvious to both men that Brenton’s hair had greatly improved in density and quality. After just sixteen weeks of hair loss treatment, he no longer sported the beginnings of a bald patch and nowhere was his scalp visible through his hair. Brenton could not have been happier with the outcome of his RealGROWTH® program.






*name changed to protect privacy