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Case Study: Treatment Options Available for Senior Ashley and Martin Patient

August 6th, 2018 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Sixty-six year old retiree, Luke, wanted to gain more hair coverage over his scalp. Over a decade after this hair began to disappear, Luke walked into an Ashley and Martin clinic to find out more about the process of regaining his hair. He had seen adverts on the television and was curious to find out more. Until recently the thought of treatment had not even crossed his mind, but lately his interest had been piqued. His hair loss had now progressed to an advanced stage and he was not enjoying the years it added to his looks.

The consultant he met with did an honest assessment of Luke’s hair. A combination of advancing age and genetics were at play, causing Luke’s hair to enter a dormant, telogen phase. The consultant told Luke that the most effective method of treating his hair would be a combination of topical solution, herbal supplements and regular laser therapy. There were limitations to the treatment however. Due to Luke’s age, he was unable to take anti-androgenic medication that would be a part of a younger man’s treatment. And the advanced stage of Luke’s loss meant some of his follicles had already suffered a lack of nourishment and died. Understanding a realistic picture of the expected outcome, Luke signed up to treat his Norwood Va loss.

It was with a smile that Luke assessed the difference in his hair four months after he started treating his hair. It was not perfect, but it was a great deal better than when he had first sat down with his consultant. His regular visits to the clinic for laser therapy together with his adherence to his treatment routine at home had given him back enough of his hair that he now did not need to use the length in his hair to give the illusion of coverage.

*name changed to protect privacy