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Case Study: Client Becomes Increasingly Happy with Results throughout Ashley and Martin Review Process

April 26th, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

While Harikiran* had been concerned about his hair for at least a year, it was his partner that encouraged him to seek help from a hair loss specialist for his concerns. The 43 year old agreed that it would be a good idea to at least find out what hair loss treatment would involve and, after contacting Ashley and Martin online, attended a free consultation.

After being greeted by the friendly staff, Harikiran was given a questionnaire designed to gather background information relevant to his hair loss and made comfortable while he filled it in. Reading this document, his consultant saw Harikiran had no known pre-existing medical conditions that may be interrupting his hair’s natural growth cycle but he did have a family history of hair loss. Harikiran’s grandfather had also suffered from the condition.

During the course of the three years he had been losing his hair, Harikiran had tried treating the problem with over the counter products, however this had not achieved the desired results. In fact, it had not achieved any results at all that he could see. After conducting a scalp examination, the consultant diagnosed Harikiran with male pattern hair loss, Norwood Va.

The pair discussed realistic outcomes of treatment as Harikiran was experiencing advanced hair loss and what would be involved in treating his genetic condition. At this time, Harikiran was not completely convinced that he wanted to embark upon a treatment program. He left the clinic empty handed to go home and discuss all the details of the program he had been offered with his wife.

A full year later Harikiran called the clinic again. His hair had continued to thin and he was now ready to set about reversing the loss he had been observing every morning in the mirror. He enrolled on a RealGROWTH® medical treatment program with laser therapy every month.

After his monthly laser therapy treatments, Harikiran would meet with his consultant for a progress review. Photos were taken of Harikiran’s hair to monitor his progress throughout the course of his program. As time went on Harikiran became increasingly happy with the results he was seeing and looked forward to continuing with his program.






*name changed to protect privacy