Case Study: Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH Program For Women Achieves Sensational Results
Dawn’s* hair had been progressively losing density for quite some time. She had tried managing it herself with topical treatments and leave in hair products she had purchased at the chemist. Sadly, none of them had worked to her satisfaction to date. Her expectations not met by her own attempts at treating her hair, Dawn came to Ashley and Martin for help.
With her husband by her side encouraging her to do whatever she felt necessary, 53 year old Dawn discussed her concerns regarding her thinning hair with her consultant. After collecting all relevant information and conducting a scalp examination the consultant explained that while the pattern of hair loss Dawn was experiencing appeared to be genetic, all women coming to Ashley and Martin needed to be sent for blood tests. Hair loss could have a multitude of contributing factors and he would like to rule out any underlying medical conditions before proceeding.
Returning to speak to clinic staff about the results of her blood tests, Dawn was relieved to find that her hair loss was not medically induced. Armed with this knowledge Dawn realised she had nothing to lose but some more hair if she did not begin treatment straight away.
Sitting across from her consultant looking at comparison photos, Dawn’s confidence in the program visibly grew. The photos from her original consultation when compared alongside the ones her consultant had just taken showed a dramatic increase in density. Where she had been able to see through the hair straight to scalp sixteen weeks previously, Dawn’s hair was now thick and healthy. It was exciting for Dawn to see such sensational results so quickly and she looked forward to continuing on with her RealGROWTH® program.
*name changed to protect privacy